A Place To Visit : Galle Face Green

8:05 AM Viduruwan Suvinith 1 Comments

Today I visited  Galle Face Green. The Galle Face Green is currently a 5 hectare ribbon strip of  land between Galle Road and Indian Ocean which is now the largest open space in Colombo. It is a haunt for children, vendors, teenagers, lovers, merrymakers and all those who want to indulge in their favorite pastimes next to the sea under the open sky.

Ranidu Lankage -- Google and Sri Lanka

7:50 AM Viduruwan Suvinith 0 Comments

Ranidu Lankage is a one of the person who introduced hip hop and RnB music to Sri Lanka. If I’m not mistaken his and his co-partner Iraj’s first album was “Ahankara Nagare”. The songs in their album got popular among Sri Lankan young generation within few days after they released songs media. Ranidu is not only a Sri Lankan artist he is a popular in international also. According to Wikipedia, Ranidu’s songs have listed in Billboard charts also.

Recently people started taking about him because of Google’s 2011 Christmas song which has music done by


Good Bye Year 2011 , Let’s welcome year 2012.

5:43 PM Viduruwan Suvinith 2 Comments

It just finished year 2011. We are currently in beginning of year 2012. Year 2011 was a life changing year for me. I started my first job at Virtusa. I met really new and cool friends that I will never forget in my life. Spend money that earned by myself. I’m no longer a burden for my parents (at least from financial side) J .

Year 2012 will be another brand new year for me. I have planned lot of things to do during year 2012. So let’s welcome year 2012.