Facebook and Student Life

3:47 AM Viduruwan Suvinith 0 Comments

Figure 1: Facebook Addict  C ( 2009)

This  post about some my findings and understanding of impact of Facebook® to students and student's performance .I'm writing this after having little bit research about how it is going on with day to day student life.

As a student and Facebook® Users I have seen lot of students, using Facebook on their studying time and free time on there personal Laptops or Laboratory computers.Actually most of their free time spending on in-front of computers chatting with someone on facebook or surfing on the Facebook.It is very rare to find someone working on there educational work except some special time periods.Even final year student also using Facebook in my campus.

It is okay to spend some time with friends on Internet but actually what is happening is day by day  students are getting addicted to facebook and spending plenty of time playing with Facebook which they can use for other valuable works.

Actually in this case management and administration should take some of responsibilities.Because they can limit the usage of this application and warn and advises to users to disadvantages of this addiction.

C , 2009,Confessions of a Facebook Addict , Marketing Supporting Inc [ Online] Accessed 29 th April 2009 ,url http://blogmsi.com/tag/christos-ellis/

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