Simulating database table in Haskell

3:28 PM Viduruwan Suvinith 0 Comments

This is a simulation application which has done by using Haskell.
Haskell is a functional programming language which is  a different programming paradigm.

This is a prototype for a banking system which can

  • Register New Account

  • Delete Account

  • Withdraw money

  • Check Balance

  • Transfer Money

This is my table
module Database where

data Table = Table
    deriving (Read, Show)
accounts = Table
 "Bank Accounts - APIIT Secure Bank"
  ["ID","Name","Balance    "]
  [["1","Viduruvan Suvinith","100000.00"]
  ,["2","Tharindu Roshantha","100000.00"]
  ,["3","Upeka Gunawardhena","100000.00"]
  ,["4","Chandima Godawaththa","25000.00"]
  ,["5","Damee Veena","100000.00"]
  ,["6","Malaka Gunarathne","35000.00"]
  ,["7","Asanka Mahendra","15000.00"]
  ,["8","Chamath de Silva","156000.00"]
  ,["10","Kamal Jayasooriya","3000.00"]

These are the basic functions of Table
module DBFunctions where
import Prelude -- call for perlude libarary
import List -- list livararay
import Database

-- Print Table
{- setC- Set the Columns

Input    [List of String]
Output    String
Funcatnality Take List of String and covert them in to a single string
     Step 1 : IF list is a empty list return ""
     IF list is not empty this goes directly to next step
     Step 2 ; In this step it runs primitive recursion
      take first element of the list and recursive till list is empty.
setC :: [String] -> String -- The input of this function is a list of string what this does is it takes that list and concatinate
setC [] = "" -- Checks wheather colomn is emplty , actually list of string is empty
setC (ns:ms) = ns ++ "\t\t" ++ "|" ++ setC ms -- Premitive Recursion

{- setR - Set the Rows

Input    [List of List of String]
Output    String
Funcatnality Take list of list of String and covert them in to a single string
     Step 1 : IF list is a empty list return ""
     IF list is not empty this goes directly to next step
     Step 2 ; In this step it runs primitive recursion
      take first element of the list(which is also a another list) and pass it to SetC function  and recursive till the list is empty.

setR :: [[String]] -> String
setR [] = ""
setR (ns:ms) = "|" ++ setC ns ++ "\n" ++ setR ms -- Premitive Recursion
{- writeTable - writeTable

Input    Table which is user defined data type
Output    String (because to print or show data in user interface it has to use string
Funcatnality Simply this convert the given table to a String which can use to print
    In first line it take table name and print it
    Then it takes Column which in this case header of the table
    Then it takes all other data which is a list of list of string and put it to setRow function.Set Rrow function convert it to a single String

writeTable :: Table -> String
writeTable (Table name column rows) = "\n\n" ++ "\t\t" ++ name -- This line for printing name of the table and this concatinate with next line
           ++ "\n\n"
           ++ "\n"
           ++ setC column ++ "\n"  -- Take colomns of the database
           ++ "-----------------------------------------------" ++ "\n"
           ++ setR rows ++ "\n"

{- print table function is a simple IO function which prints the table -}
viewTable :: Table -> IO()
viewTable = putStr.writeTable

insertrecord :: Table -> [String]->Table
insertrecord (Table name column rows) xs = Table name column (insert xs rows)

deleterecord :: Table -> [String]->Table
deleterecord (Table name column rows) xs = Table name column (delete xs rows)


retriewElement :: String -> [String] -> Int
retriewElement getColumn (selColumn:column) =  if (getColumn == selColumn)
            then 0
            1 + retriewElement getColumn column
selectrecord getColumn p (Table name column rows) = Table name column [ rows | rows <- rows, p( rows !! retriewElement getColumn column )]

-- update ”<column name>” (<condition>) (“<new value>”) <Table Name>
update :: String->(String->Bool)->String-> Table -> Table
update colname con nvalue (Table name column rows) = Table name column (getupRows con colname nvalue rows)

-- singlerowUp <Selected Row> ”<column name>” (“<new value>”) (<condition>)
singlerowUp x selcol nvalue con=
   if( (selcol=="ID" && (filter (con)[x!!0])==[x!!0])) then nvalue:x!!1:x!!2:[]
   else if (selcol=="Name" && (filter (con)[x!!1])==[x!!1])then x!!0:nvalue:x!!2:[]
   else if (selcol=="Balance" && (filter (con)[x!!2])==[x!!2] )then x!!0:x!!1:nvalue:[]
   else do x!!0:x!!1:x!!2:[]   

-- getupRows (<condition>) ”<column name>”  (“<new value>”) <raws>
getupRows con colname nvalue (xss)=[(singlerowUp x colname nvalue con)|x<-xss]

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